Big D

Big D

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Who's Lou Brown?

From my favorite baseball movie and there are plenty of good ones to choose from.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


I'm very happy for Sammy Sosa and I'm glad he got the drama of hitting his 600th home run over with, because the Rangers need to continue their miserable season and finish yet another season in last place.

I'm almost ashamed to wear Rangers gear in public so for now I'll root for the Red Sox to beat New York, and anyone but Anaheim in the AL.

The Ranger Organization is an embarrassment. This is great....

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Josh Lewin and the Pathetic Rangers

The Texas Rangers are a terrible baseball team and maybe even a worse organization. I'm tired of sugar coating the fact this this team has not done anything of significance at any point since the team's last division title in 1999. There is also no reason to think that this team's fortune is going to change anytime soon with the Angels and A's looking to dominate this division for years to come.

There is no hope in the farm system unless Eric Hurley and Blake Beaven become John Smoltz and Greg Maddux. This organization really fucking sucks, but I will continue to root for these douchebags because at some point it's going to turn around. It might be 5 years and it might be 20 years down the road, but it will happen. And it will be sweet...

Josh Lewin announced teams have been downright pitiful during his broadcast career. It really is laughable, but take a look the team Josh has to announce ALL season long. Lucky for him, the guy is talented and gets to announce games for Fox and the playoffs. Because this team is sickening to watch. It's official...


1995 Orioles

1997 Cubs

1998-2001 Detroit Tigers

2002-Present Texas Rangers

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

David Brent

Maybe the greatest scene in Office history and I'm talking about the BBC version...