Big D

Big D

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Dallas to lose TX/OU?? and Rangers Hitting Rock Bottom

TX/OU most likely to leave Dallas after 2007 game

Mr. McKoy said the proposed renovation could be done by the 2007 game and would increase seating to more than 80,000 (from its current capacity of 75,000). There would be remodeled concession stands, improvements to the interior and exterior, a new scoreboard, a new sound system and new field lighting as well as resurfaced streets and walkways.

"When it's finished, the stadium will look as nice as the ones in Austin or Norman," Mr. McKoy said. "We feel $26 million will get the job done."

Mr. McKoy said the State Fair spent $5 million to upgrade the Cotton Bowl before last year's game, adding 4,000 seats and renovating restrooms, concession stands and the press box.

It certainly looks pretty bleak right now for TX/OU staying in Dallas. This fight was lost the minute Dallas city leadership gave up on the new Cowboys stadium being built in Fair Park. Very little the city can do now to keep TX/OU in Fair Park becuase there is very little chance the city can justify dumping millions of dollars to renovate the stadium for only 2 or 3 games a year. No Cowboys, hell not even FC Dallas to play games in Fair Park. It is going to be a sad day when TX/OU goes to a home and home series, but the city of Dallas is getting what they deserve. What shame.

But wait, It gets worse

Rangers lose 8th in a row and Players start to be outspoke on their criticisms of management.

Who can blame them? If I am MIchael Young, Alfonso Soriano, Mark Teixeira, Hank Blalock or any other young position player on this team, I am furious right now at management for failing to form sort of plan to help this team solve it's pitching woes.

It's like the movie Groundhog Day out in Arlington right now with regards to our pitching situation. Only this day lasts for years and is turning into decades.

Arrrggggh, thank god for football season!

Cue up the Green Day music - Finley let go by Mavs

"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go.
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life."

-- Green Day

With very little fanfare, the Mavericks let one of their all time greats go yesterday in an effort to avoid the luxury tax on the remaining $51 million dollars left on his contract.

As much criticism as Finley has taken in this town, it will be very tough for me to see him in another uniform. When he joined the team during the 1997 season, the Mavs rivaled the Clippers as one of the worst organizations in professional sports. While Finley was with the Mavs and benefiting from an owner who actually cares, the Mavs went from laughing stock to legitimate contender. I will not soon forget the Mavs unbelievable comeback from down 2-0 against the Jazz in '01 to beat them in 5 games. Down double digits in the 4th quarter, Finley and the mavs were able to somehow find a way to beat the jazz up in Salt Lake City. I will not soon forget the celebration that followed as the Mavs had finally won a playoff series for the first time in over a decade. I had the privilege of being in attandance that day.

I also will not forget the memorable playoff run in '03 getting all the way to game 6 of the conference finals against San Antonio. If it were not for Steve Kerr getting unconscious in the 4th quarter, the Mavs very well may have gotten all the way to the finals. Finley was an iron man (among the league leaders in minutes played nearly every season) and he will always be underappreciated in this town because we never were able to win a title during his time here. He is a true class act and I for one am going to miss him dearly.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Two Good Links

The Star Telegram had two good stories today worth checking out.

Tom Hicks talks Rangers and Stars

A fairly candid interview with Tom Hicks about his tenure as owner of both the Stars and Rangers. He talks about his critics as well as his plans for the future of both teams. Definitely worth a read.

Ag recruit being way overhyped

Martellus Bennett is just asking to be the biggest bust in recent recruiting history by helping to create all the hype about him at A&M. He is a freaking tight end for god's sakes. I enjoed McNeil's comments in the article about curbing the enthusiasm about Bennett's impact on the Aggies this year. As much as I enjoy rooting against the Ags, Bennett is going to make that very easy to do this season.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Done Deal with Modano !!! and King Felix

Modano agrees to 5 year deal with Stars

The Stars finally were able to sign Modano and every Stars fan across the area breathes a deep sigh of relief. It would have been misery seeing Modano playing in another uniform. It also isn't too much of a stretch to say Modano should have a nice bounceback season. The Stars look to be a contender this year, and they better hope so because the fans aren't coming back unless we are winning games.

19 yeard old pitching phenom makes debut for Mariners

The best young pitching prospect in a few years made his major league start today for the Mariners. Felix Hernandez (aka "King Felix") had the following line in a 3-1 loss to the Tigers:

5 IP 3 Hits 2 Runs 1 Earned Run 4 Ks 2 BBs

Not too shabby. King Felix is supposed to be the most sure fire starting pitching prospect since Mark Prior. He has the potential to make a huge impact at a very young age and it will be interesting to see how the Mariners handle his development. Here is another link to an article earlier in the season about Hernandez's career to this point:

Separated at Birth? - Dennis Leary and Willem Dafoe

Watching Conan O'Brian last night, Conan asked Dennis Leary which celebrity he gets mistaken for most often. Instantly, I thought Willem (who knows why he spells it this way) Dafoe and sure enough, Leary said that he often has to sign his name as Willem Dafoe for people who come up to him on the street. Anyways, I thought we could take a look and judge for yourself.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Tuesday Night Links

So I've decided to go a little more mainstream with this blog thing. Obviously, I still want my usual contributors (Z and Cuyler) to post as often as they would like, but I felt the need to make a "face-lift" on this little blog. I doubt Z will care since he is headed to Espana tomorrow morning, and Cuyler is working up in Chi-town. Until then, I will be flying solo. So anyways, here are some links you may or most likely may not want to check out.

A's continue to roll in the AL West

Somewhere Jeff Hurst is smiling, because the A's are as hot as Jessica's Simpson's ass right now. And no, I'm not afraid to comment on Jessica Simpson's ass. It's very nice. Someone who we can all be proud of is Huston Street. The kid is only about 14 months removed from his last game at Texas. It is amazing what he already doing for the increasingly immortal Billy Beane and the A's. NO matter what you think of Beane's "moneyball" philosophy, you can't argue with his results given such a limited payroll. Anyways, just wanted to give Street and the A's some credit. They sure are kicking our asses in the AL West. And the Arlington triumverate (Hicks, Hart, and Buck) or maybe stooges is a better name should get their act together in '06, or Anaheim and Oakland will completely leave the Rangers organization behind for years to come.

Modano Appears to be Staying in Dallas
Although most people in Dallas or anywhere else could give two shits about the Stars' season, Hicks considering to resign Modano seems newsworthy. Here is a link a DMN article that says Modano is 90% certain to remain a Dallas Star. Now I don't know about you, but if I'm Tom Hicks right now, I'm making damn sure Modano resigns with the Stars. Sergei Zubovs of the world are not going to bring the fans back to the AAC. Hockey is still going to have its die-hard fans, but to win the average hockey fan back in this area, the Stars need to show a commitment to winning. This is a good step in that direction.

Gerry Fraley is an absolute joke of a sportswriter

While most good and decent sportswriters like Fort Worth Star Telegram's beat writer, T.R. Sullivan, do a fine job in the sports media world. Hell, Sullivan announced Peter Gammons (another fine albeit nerdy sports journalist) induction to the hall fame. Guys like Gammons and Sullivan are class acts, Gerry Fraley is the anithesis to the guys I just spoke about. Gerry Fraley is the worst DFW sports media person at that says a lot considering Ric Renner resonantes across our airwaves from his Dallas studio. I couldn't stamach this article, but here is a sample. And yes, I
can't believe I'm giving Fraley free publicity.

How hot are the damn Astros?

As much as it pains me to do this, you have to talk about the Astros right now in any discussion about the current happenings in major league baseball. Outside of the Raffy Palmeiro fallout, the Astros and A's are two good things actually worth talking about right now.

This article from Baseball Prospectus (they are running a free trial through today) talks about just how dominant Pettite, Oswalt, and Clemens have been this year. Obviously, everyone knows how good Clemens has done all year (his sick road ERA being the most astonishing thing about his season). Pettite and Oswalt have been been slouches themselves. In fact, the 3 are on pace to finish with one of the greatest seasons in MLB history for any 3 starting pitchers on one team. Despite their obvious offensive shortcomings, the Astros are going to be a tough out in the playoffs if they do end up making it.

Dodgers pitcher Derek Lowe leaves wife for Fox Sports Net news anchor

In an attempt to attract the US weekly crowd, this is a sordid tale of former Red Sox hero Derek Lowe cheating on his wife with someone who covers his team. Interesting read if nothing else.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Sori Stays, Chan HO and Astros

The trade deadline came and went this weekend and Alfonso Soriano is staying with the Rangers. I never understood why so many people were ready to ship such a great player out of town. But then again, I really don't understand a lot of sports fans these days. Alfonso Soriano is a special player and I am very happy to know that more than likely he is going to be our starting 2nd baseman in 2006.

Now it's up to Hicks and Hart to make some moves this offseason to help our pitching staff and fill the huge hole in right field. Hicks needs to open up his wallet this offseason and use some that financial flexibility he has been preaching about for so long.

In other ranger news, Chan Ho is no longer a Ranger. In a swap of pitiful contracts, the Rangers dealt Chan Ho to the Padres for Phil Nevin. While Nevin was having a terrible season in cavernous Petco Park and is 34 years old, he has put up good numbers in the past (especially against LHP) and he could be a pretty good solution for the right-handed bat we have sorely needed this year against left handed pitchers. Good trade for the Rangers.

To end this post, i am going to give some props to our neighbors down in Houston. They have really been playing some good baseball as of late. With the incomparable Roger Clemens leading them, the Stros barring a late charge by the Marlins, Phillies, Cubs, or Mets should make it into the postseason.

A short series starting rotation of Clemens, Oswalt, and Pettite is downright nasty. As much as I hate the Stros, I would probably root for them against everyone else in the NL besides the Cardinals because I like Pettite and Oswalt so much.

There you go Houston, I threw you a bone.